Taraxacum officinale, the common dandelion, is a flowering herbaceous perennial plant of the family Asteraceae


Taraxacum (/təˈræksəkᵿm/) is a large genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae and consists of species commonly known as dandelion. They are native to Eurasia and North America, and two species, T. officinale and T. erythrospermum, are found as commonplace wild flowers worldwide. Both species are edible in their entirety. The common name dandelion (/ˈdændᵻlaɪ.ən/ DAN-di-ly-ən, from French dent-de-lion, meaning "lion's tooth"question is given to members of the genus. Like other members of the Asteraceae family, they have Very small flowers collected together into a composite flower head. Each single flower in a head is called a floret. Many Taraxacum species produce seeds asexually by apomixis, where the seeds are produced without pollination, resulting in offspring that are genetically identical to the parent plant.



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Model Canon EOS 350D DIGITAL

Focal Length 67mm

Shutter Speed 1/400

Aperture F7.1

ISO 200

Taken At Mon, May 14, 2007 6:16 PM


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